Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Filth and the Fury

1. Describe the relationship between the conditions of 1970s England and the development of the Sex Pistols as presented in the video.

2. Describe the changes in the audiences at Sex Pistols shows as presented in the video.

3. How did the Sex Pistols create "new environments?"

4. Describe the role that foul language played in punk culture as presented in the video. What is your reaction to the foul language? What would Johnny Rotten or Malcom McMaclaren think about your reaction?

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Engl& 102 Sec 6 – a history of anarchy

Instructor: Professor Bucci
Phone: 352-8329    Office: CC1-329   Office Hours: Mon and Wed, 11am-1:05pm or 1:15pm-3:15pm
Class Meetings: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 11am – 1:05pm Rm: CC1 0230
Class blog: http//

Course Description:
Students learn how to develop ideas to guide research, to gather information from the library, Internet, experts and other sources, and to judge the quality of the information. They learn to use ideas from sources as evidence in essays and longer research projects, developing a more sophisticated approach to using sources to achieve identified purposes for identified audiences. Students continue ENG 101’s emphasis on developing well-organized, thoughtful essays. This class is organized around a theme chosen by the instructor.

Theme: a history of anarchy.
This is not a course on political anarchy. Although this course may critique various governments and their social policies, it will not advocate the reduction or elimination of government. The focus of this course is cultural anarchy. Our goal is to interpret and analyze history by studying the culture produced during specific historical moments, like a hunter might study his prey’s dropping for clues to where it’s been and what it’s been doing. Cultural anarchy is a phenomenon that exposes the unseen rules and assumptions of a given social contract.

Prerequisites: Completion of ENGL&101 (formerly ENG 101) with a grade of 2.0 or higher.

NOTE: There will be very little review of sentence level grammar and syntax in this class. If grammar and syntax are not of a college level, it is the student's responsibility to seek outside help from Cascadia’s Math and Writing Center or via

Course Content, Topics and Themes:
        Critical thinking processes: analysis, synthesis, evaluation, problem-solving, close reading
        Researching strategies: asking questions, finding and evaluating sources, sorting sources, interviewing, reading, taking notes
        Research-based composition processes: generating ideas, forming a hypothesis, organizing notes, summarizing sources, drafting, discussing, revising, editing, and proofreading
        Rhetorical strategies and structures
        Research-writing strategies: incorporating sources, avoiding plagiarism, judging validity of evidence
        Group process skills
        Self-evaluation skills
        Technology strategies: revising text, running advanced searches to find multiple sources, and communicating with experts

Required Texts:
    • All readings for this class (unless otherwise noted) will be available via eReserve:
    • Rules for Writers (optional grammar and style handbook)

• Mini-Research Project (2-3 pages)
• Creative Project and Reflection (2-3 pages)
• Final Research Paper (6-10 pages)

All out-of-class writing must be typed. All papers are due at the beginning of class, and papers handed in after the first ten minutes of class will be marked late and penalized. I understand that life can be unpredictable, so I will accept one late paper per student per quarter. No other late papers will be accepted. If you think you are not going to be able to make a paper deadline, please speak with me before the paper is due. Absolutely, no emailed papers will be accepted without prior approval. All papers (and associated outlines, drafts, reflections, and peer reviews) must be stapled together (or collected in a pocket folder) and clearly labeled with the student’s name on every section. If you fail to include a required outline, first draft, or peer review response with your paper, your grade for the assignment will be reduced by 10%.

Short Answer Test Outcomes and Due Dates: (subject to change)
Short Answer Test #1: understand complex reading and discussion (take home): 10/6
Short Answer Test #2: accurately explain complex quotations (take-home): 10/18
Short Answer Test #3: summarize key ideas in complex texts (take-home): 10/25
Short Answer Test #4: describe complex artistic works (in-class, no open book): 11/3
Short Answer Test #5: synthesize information from various texts and artists’ work (take-home): 11/15

Attendance, Participation, and In-Class Work:
You are required to attend class on time, and expected to have completed all reading and assignments before coming to class. Our course only has 22 class meetings. If you attend at least 19 classes on time, you will earn 20 points of extra credit. 

Important: You are responsible for all assignments given in class whether you were present or not. “I wasn’t here that day” is not an excuse. I will keep the class web page updated with assignments and changes to the schedule, but I suggest you trade contact information with several of your classmates just in case. In-class assignments or exercises may not be made up.

Grade Conversion:
Five Short Answer Tests (30 points ea.) = 150 points
Mini-Research Project = 100 points
            Thesis = 30 points
            Outline = 30 points
            Draft = 15 points
            Revision reflection = 15 points
Creative Project and Reflection (50 points ea.) = 100 points
Library Workshop Assignments (10 points ea.) = 20 points
Final Research Project = 150 points
            Annotated Bibliography = 50 points
            Thesis = 30 points
            Outline = 30 points
            Draft = 15 points
            Revision reflection = 15 points

TOTAL = 750 points

4.0 = 713-750 points (95-100%/A)         2.5 = 600 points (80%/B-)   1.0 = 487 points (65%/D)
3.5 = 675 points (90%/A-)                  2.0 = 593 points (75%/C)    0.0 = 450 points or below
3.0 = 637 points (85%/B)                   1.5 = 525 points (70%/C-)
(Complete grade conversion table available upon request.)   

Course Outcomes:
Learn Actively - Learning is a personal, interactive process that results in greater expertise and a more comprehensive understanding of the world.                
        Read, analyze, and assimilate material from a variety of texts to increase knowledge and support research questions
        Engage in discussion and group assignments to deepen understanding and develop learning skills related to research and writing
        Use writing as a learning tool to generate ideas, explore approaches to audiences and purposes, and record and organize information for later use
        Meet assignment timelines and seek help when necessary
Think Critically, Creatively and Reflectively - Reason and imagination are fundamental to problem solving and critical examination of ideas.
        Examine and evaluate a variety of information sources for use in writing
        Call on a diverse set of strategies to solve problems that arise when researching and writing from research
        Use an understanding of one’s personal values and biases, and those of others, to make inferences and draw conclusions about diverse sources of information
Communicate with Clarity and Originality - The ability to exchange ideas and information is essential to personal growth, productive work, and societal vitality.           
        Use a personalized process to research and write an extended research project
        Use writing to assimilate information and perspectives from a variety of sources and publish texts composed of coherent, supported, and appropriate prose
        Understand and apply criteria or standards for clear, original communication to their own and others’ writing
        Use technology to gather, process and communicate information      
Interact in Diverse and Complex Environments - Successful negotiation through our increasingly complex, interdependent and global society requires knowledge and awareness of self and others, as well as enhanced interaction skills.        
        Understand others’ points of view in order to increase knowledge of other ways of looking at information
        Work with peers in groups to discuss readings and to respond to each other’s writing. In all group work, listen and contribute with respect and honest

Cascadia Community College Syllabus Learning Agreement
Academic Honesty:  The College regards acts of academic dishonesty, including such activities as plagiarism, cheating and/or/violations of integrity in information technology, as very serious offenses.  In the event that cheating, plagiarism or other forms of academic dishonesty are discovered, each incident will be handled as deemed appropriate.  Care will be taken that students’ rights are not violated and that disciplinary procedures are instituted only in cases where documentation or other evidence of the offense(s) exists.  A description of all such incidents shall be forwarded to the Student Conduct Officer, where a file of such occurrences will be maintained.  The Student Conduct Officer may institute action against a student according to the college’s disciplinary policies and procedures as described in the Student Handbook: 
Acceptable Use Policy on Information Technology: In general, the same ethical conduct that applies to the use of all college resources and facilities applies to the use of Cascadia’s systems and technology.  These systems may only be used for authorized purposes, using only legal versions of copyrighted software, and with consideration and respect for the conservations of resources and the rights of other users. For additional information, see the online version of the Student Handbook at  or go to the Open Learning Center for assistance with any questions.
 Diversity:  Cascadia is committed to creating a supportive environment for a diverse student, faculty, and staff population. Individual differences are celebrated in a pluralistic community of learners. Cascadia does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender and/or sex, sexual orientation, national origin, citizenship status, age, marital or veteran status, or the presence of any sensory, mental or physical disability, or genetic information, and is prohibited from discrimination in such a manner by college policy and state and federal law. The following office has been designated to handle inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies and can direct inquiries to the appropriate office for ADA-related requests: Director of Human Resources, Office CC2-280, 425-352-8880.
Campus Closures and Inclement Weather:  In the event of inclement weather affecting morning classes, there will be notification on the local media by 5:30 a.m. You may also call the main campus number: 425-352-8000 to hear a message that will be updated with the latest Cascadia closure information. You may also go online to and click on Cascadia Community College to get the latest report. Should the weather deteriorate during the day, you may check online, listen to the main campus message, check email or the media to hear news about closures or class schedule changes.
To sign up to receive campus alerts, including closures, on your home email, your mobile phone, or your home phone, log in at Use your Cascadia user name and password and be sure to select the "Student" domain.  Upon login, you will be re-directed to a web site maintained for Cascadia by a third party vendor. Rave Mobile Safety has partnered with Cascadia Community College to provide emergency notification services to the campus community.
In the event of a campus closure, please visit my website at for announcements and instructions.
 Emergency Procedures:  Emergency procedures are posted in each classroom.  To reach campus security personnel, dial 425-352-5222. City of Bothell fire and police may be reached by dialing either 9-9-1-1 or 9-1-1 from any campus phone. Campus emergency phones are located on campus walkways and parking lots.
 Learning Assistance Options:  To support student success, Cascadia offers a variety of support services.  The Open Learning Center, CC2-060, provides a computer lab where students can receive assistance with technology to support class assignments. Cascadia’s Math and Writing Center, CC2-080, provides tutorial support for students who seek additional assistance with their math and writing assignments.  Tutoring is offered on a drop in basis, and is free and open to all Cascadia students.
 Online Tutoring and Writing Assistance:  Cascadia provides online access to live tutors in a variety of subjects, provided by the NW e-Tutoring Consortium.  Tutoring is offered through live, interactive sessions and through an Essay Center.  Many subjects have convenient tutoring hours late into the evening and 24 hours a day. To get started, visit the following address:
 Disability Support Services:  Cascadia provides services to help students with disabilities successfully adapt to college life.  Students who meet specific criteria may also qualify for academic accommodations. If you have or suspect you have a disability and need an accommodation please contact the front office in Kodiak Corner at 425-352-8860 to make an appointment with the Disability Support Services. Services and Accommodations through DSS are not retroactive.
Counseling services: If you have a personal problem or stress that is affecting your schoolwork and would like to talk with someone, please contact the Cascadia counselor. Counseling at Cascadia is confidential, professional and free. Visit the Kodiak Corner front desk or call 425-352-8860 for an appointment.
Advising: Students should schedule an appointment to meet with an advisor to create a tentative education plan.  They can call 425-352-8860 or come to the Kodiak Corner to make an appointment.  Appointments are not made via email. At the time of the appointment, they need to indicate which degree they are pursuing. See the Cascadia website  for information about Drop-In Advising hours.
Online Advising: Email advising is available at  Our distance advisor can answer most questions via email, but we don’t schedule advising appointments via email. See the Cascadia website  for information about Instant Messenger advising.
Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA):  Cascadia Community College complies with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 concerning the information that becomes a part of a student’s permanent educational record and governing the condition of its disclosure.  Under FERPA, students are protected against improper disclosure of their records.
Schedule of Assignments (subject to change)

Th 9/29: Introduction
Syllabus, “The Filth and the Fury”
T 10/4: Intersections of Culture and History
due: LT Prologue p. 1-22
assign: Mini Research Paper, Short Answer Test #1 (take-home)
Th 10/6: Library Workshop
due: Topic for Mini Research Project, Short Answer Test #1
in-class: Meet on second floor of the Library (LB1-220)
T 10/11: Slogans and Incompetence
due: LT p. 25-40, 64-67, three slogans
in-class: watch and discuss Dada video
Th 10/13: Dada
due: LT p. 105-108, 175-194, sources and thesis statements for Mini Research Project
in-class: watch Mark Steel on Marx
assign: Short Answer Test #2 (take-home)
T 10/18: Modern Capitalism and Invisible Ideologies
due: LT p. 119-132, Short Answer Test #2
Th 10/20: Mini Research Paper Outline
due: Mini Research Paper Outline
in-class: Watch “Howl”
assign: Short Answer Test #3 (take-home)
T 10/25: Situationists International and Spectacle Culture
due: LT p. 40-54, 91-99, Short Answer Test #3
Th 10/27: Mini Research Paper 1st Draft
due: 1st draft of Mini Research Paper, including Works Cited (4 copies)
in-class: Peer Review
T 11/1: Mini Research Paper due
due: Mini Research Paper (including Works Cited page, outline, one copy of 1st draft, revision reflection, and peer review sheets)
assign: Creative Project
Th 11/3: Cultural Subversion
due: LT p. 153-174
in-class: Short Answer Test #4 (in-class), watch and discuss AdBusters, Yes Men, Shepard Fairey
T 11/8: The Body: Karen Finley, Chris Burden, and the Butthole Surfers
due: Our Band Could be your Life, Chapter 8
in-class: watch and discuss Butthole Surfers interview and performance and discuss the body in performance art
Th 11/10 Anarchy Performance: Brecht, Foreman, SRL
in-class: watch and discuss videos of theatrical anarchy
assign: Short Answer Test #5 (take-home)
T 11/15: Assault on Notre-Dame
due: LT p. 259-266, Short Answer Test #5
assign: Final Research Project
Thu 11/17: Creative Project
due: Creative Project
in-class: share and discuss projects with class
assign: Boolean Search Worksheet
T 11/22: Library Workshop (LB1-220)
due: topic for Final Research Paper, Boolean Worksheet
Th 11/24 (No Class)
T 11/29: Annotated Bibliography
due: Annotated Bibliography, Thesis Statement for Final Research Paper
Th 12/1: WTO Riots
due: “Chaos Theories” Spin
in-class: watch and discuss video of the riots
T 12/6: Final Research Paper Outline
due: Final Research Paper Outline
in-class: Watch: “Battle in Seattle”
Th 12/8: TBA (To Be Announced)
T 12/13: Final Research Paper (1st draft)
due: 1st draft of Research Paper (bring 4 copies)
in-class: Peer review
Th 12/15: Last Class
due: Final Research Paper (including: final draft, Works Cited page, outline, one copy of 1st draft, revision reflection, and peer review sheets)